Managed to finish it late last night, but too lazy to find good light and take pics. I need a better camera, quite frankly! And to get my picture-taking set up finished. Maybe this weekend, in the ridiculous Texas heat!
I spent a few minutes this afternoon after the day job piecing the back of the quilt - because I'm just like that, so it's all ready to go. Just have to load up Frankie, and away we'll go! Oh, yeah, and here's a shot of the whole top I took this afternoon, too. Yeah, I need a better camera!
At any rate, there's the Thursday on the Anvil update! It's nice and steamy, like a forge should be. So, back to hammering out the next quilt.
Oh, but before I go. I got to thinking while I was pressing seams (like I tend to do... my brain wanders). Why do I quilt? It's a question I want to ask the people who attend the first quilting class, so I should have an answer. I have several, and have heard several in various areas... all of which are valid. For me, it boils down to this: I can't paint, nor can I draw. I CAN, however, get images from my head onto a quilt correctly. It is the only medium I have discovered where the finished product IS what I see in my head. Plus, I just can't seem to stop!
In the process of following this train of thought, my brain said "Oh, and besides... it's a useful skill to have come the zombie apocalypse. People will still need bedding, and it would be a handy skill to barter!" ... ... Sometimes my brain makes me wonder.
And now I am planning out a zombie apocalypse quilt....
Eh. Back to the forge!
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