Cat nap, anyone?
Right now, sounds like a lovely idea!! I stayed up late last night getting the baby quilt ready for the happy grandmother, and got it all done! Quilted, bound, washed, dried, fluffed... the whole bit. Presented it to her this morning and she was ecstatic (which made me very happy!)
The quilt itself is a 4x6 (so the baby can hang onto it for a while! I was going to do bigger, but was halted by fabric constraints... but as long as the grandmother is happy, I am happy! And I got to use up pink thread that normally would not get use except in those projects where it doesn't matter the thread color. Even better. (No, pink is not my favorite color....)
One of these days I need to get a real camera! And a place to hang my quilts up to take good pics of them! (Hmm.... project for the next sunny weekend, maybe!)
Tonight there will be very little in the way of sewing, I fear... there are too many chores piling up! D. is still on the sick list - hasn't been to work for more than a few hours this week... so there's lots of stuff to be done around the house as well! Tonight is trash night (which is also going to include cleaning out the fridge - something in there is no longer good!), dusting, straightening, and sweeping... and maybe more. We'll see. It'll be a chore-laden night, that's for certain!
But that will mean that tomorrow I can come home and sew - finish my black and white quilt... maybe work on Little Moo some more... and work more on Crazy Diamonds. Or... or... or.... Lordy... I have too many projects going!! I could easily spend the entire weekend in the studio working away!
But. I also have things to spray paint (a few shepherd's crooks, and the second half of a chandelier), so there are other things to be done. And play with the kitten. And... as far as the kitten... Joji is now top cat. She apparently is the dominant cat in our house now. I find that both funny and a little worrisome. Harper is definitely submissive, so we'll see how it all works out!
So... no time to cat nap! Time for work, and then chores!
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